Spending time outside is one of the best ways for children to be active and to explore the neighborhood and surrounding. Encourage children to grow and maintain their own garden with fruits, veggies patches or flowers as early as the age of three and prepare and excite them for gardening and educate them about soil and its importance. Teach them that by caring for the soil we are taking care of the health of our planet and all the living things.
We believe every kid should experience gardening in their childhood.
Budding Gardner’s can have fun and learn a lot about gardening at the same time. They love asking questions about what the tools are for and why you use them and the curiosity on what they find. They also dive right in and really don’t mind getting their hands dirty.
By buying some gardening equipment and tools for kids you will be able to build enthusiasm about them helping out and getting involved in garden tasks.
If you are looking for gardening tools for a child under 7 years , it can be quite difficult to find them. You will be naturally concerned about the quality of the tools and also want to make sure that they are suitable for little hands as you want to keep the tools quite simple.
We have a beautiful range of carefully selected gardening products which you can buy with confidence for budding Gardner’s as a gift or for your own kid, it will certainly get years worth of use.
Find our Gardening range @ Garden & Household – Classic Gifts Australia
Happy Gardening!