All GT Spirit models are replica models that serve both as a collectible as well as a car to be played. It is licensed products, which only pushes them harder to produce the most realistic model possible! There are no shortcuts when it comes to making such prestigious cars!
You can use a magnifying glass to fully absorb all the details that’s been painstakingly crafted onto the 1:18 scale beauties. The detail is not just limited to decals and liveries.
The bodywork, seats and dashboards of the models are produced using high-quality materials to get the tiniest of details. By producing models that cannot be opened, manufacturers are able to focus more on the finishes, those minute details that will make the difference in terms of realism.
GT Spirit uses the same paints that are used by the manufacturers themselves, and they do it by hand. For the best results, they apply the paint with the same technique used in the car industry before the machines took over: two layers of paint covered by a final layer of varnish. Each colour is certified by the manufacturer to ensure that it is identical in every way to the one used on the original car.
Each GT Spirit cars are exclusive model, and they attribute each of them a unique number plate.
Behind each GT Spirit model, there is the search for the original model, the lengthy 3D modelling process and 60 days in assembly. There’s also a fair amount of adrenaline, pleasure and a great deal of satisfaction to see them decorate your shelves at the end of the line!
1:18 scale cars
Detailed rims & rubber wheels
Detailed front and rear lights
Free rolling wheels
Size: 34.50 × 19 × 16.50 cm
Year of Construction: 2021
Age: 14+ / Adult Collectors